Thornell Road Elementary School
Mrs. Stevens-Oliver's 4th Grade Class 2019-2020

Drawing from Club Men of Rochester in Caricature by Jack Sears, 1914.
Charles F. Crandall was born in Rochester, New York in 1856. He was a famous architect in the Rochester area. He built many buildings you may still know today. One of his most famous buildings was the Iola Sanatorium. Many people that stayed in the sanatorium had tuberculosis. He worked on the sanatorium with a person named Sigmund Firestone. The Iola Sanatorium closed in 1964 and was torn down in 2013. A Costco stands in its place now. Mr. Crandall designed a lot of buildings for Kodak. When he made a building for Kodak he was usually paid back in Kodak stock. He also was the architect for Hotel Rochester and the Duffy-Powers Building. Charles F. Crandall built some houses in the Maplewood Historic District. He made the plans for Agate house on 27 North Main Street in Pittsford. Charles F. Crandall died at the age of 84 in 1940.
Iola Sanitorium

Crandall House in Maplewood Neighborhood Rochester, New York.
R.H. Grasmere Local History Center
This is a photo of the back of 580 Prospect Street in Maplewood, circa 1900.