Thornell Road Elementary School
Mrs. Stevens-Oliver's 4th Grade Class 2019-2020
The Agate-Zornow House
27 North Main Street, Pittsford, New York

Our Project...
The website you're in now is the Agate House project, made by Mrs. Stevens-Oliver's 4th grade class at Thornell Road Elementary School, Pittsford, New York. If you like history, this is definitely the place for you! We wondered who first lived in the house? How did the Agate family make their living? Who designed the house and what architectural style is it? We even wondered how people lived in that time period. We had only just started our project when COVID-19 first hit our area in March. We were then transitioned to online learning. It was a challenge, but we still continued our project. We met over video conferencing. We chatted on a message board. Mind that we did all this while still making time for school work. Finally, we finished. We then entered our project into the New York State Archives Contest. Everything you will see on this website was created by kids. I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you.
Written by William
Update: This project received an Honorable Mention from the New York State Student Research Awards September 2020.
Learn more about what students thought about the project in this video interview with five of Mrs. S's 4th Graders.