Thornell Road Elementary School
Mrs. Stevens-Oliver's 4th Grade Class 2019-2020
A Man
John Agate was born in 1838. John Agate's dad's name was John S. Agate. His mom's was Emily Agate. John Agate perished in his family home on Wednesday, November 14, 1928, he was 90 years old . He was buried in the Pittsford cemetery.

From the U.S. Civil War Draft Registration Records we learned that John Agate was 24 in 1863, when he had to register for the Civil War draft because he was a young man. We can infer he was fit because he was a physical laborer.
John Agate was an outdoorsman. From reading the Fairport Herald and the Democrat and Chronicle we learned about his many interests. He had a garden. From a news clipping we know he grew Pocklington green grapes and one November day he had a “luxuriant growth of self-sown lettuce”. He was hunter and loved hunting. He was a part of the Pittsford Hunting Club, and he participated in competitions. He went on sporting trips to the Northwoods which is in the Adirondacks.